Welcome Back!

We hope you’ve had a great summer and look forward to the 2022-2023 4-H year. Our first meeting of the year is Sunday, September 11 at 2:00 pm. Please email us at sandblasters4hclub@gmail.com for the meeting location.

This site has been updated to reflect all things 2022-2023, if you have further questions please feel free to reach out to us.

Welcome Back!

We hope you are beginning to get back in the swing of things this new school year and had a safe and fun summer break.

Our first general meeting will be Sunday, September 12th. Many of our meetings may continue to be held outside due to the evolving status of the pandemic however we are hopeful to return to some fun activities this year.

Please review the list of projects offered on the project list tab and review the new online enrollment system. It is so much more user friendly than previous versions. In addition if there is a project not listed that you have an interest in please let us know. We may be able to accommodate your request or help to find a leader.

One notable thing that is different this year is that enrollment fees are based on sign up date and will be collected by the club. The earlier you enroll the better!

We look forward to seeing everyone and if you have any questions please let us know!

Welcome Back Sandblasters!

We hope that you have had a fun socially distant summer. This 4-H year will be much different than any previous year. We will be doing our best to work together to complete fun projects while maintaining compliance with the State 4-H Office’s mandates for safety. You may be wondering what that looks like. It will require a lot of flexibility as we navigate this together and will be a mix of Zoom meetings and outdoor meetings. The safety protocol issued by the State is subject to change but currently dictates that all in person meetings must be outside and consist of no more than 10 people, 2 of which must be leaders, requires masks and 6 feet of social distance at all times. 

Our first task for the new 4-H year will be to elect officers. If you are interested in becoming an officer or are just interested in a fun leadership activity I urge you to sign up for the County’s free virtual leadership day on Saturday, September 12 from 11-2:15. The link is https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=28035&fbclid=IwAR2H2DwqTJVh47lew5aYOx87INwCbmMH0gQuY83Bx9-hZKjofEP9I4NeIz4 .

All officer candidates please email Julie no later than Saturday, September 5 with the position you would like to hold so that we can add you to the ballot.  We’re still working out the kinks but we will be having virtual speeches and virtual elections for the first time ever! How exciting! An update with the date and time of elections will be sent as soon as we know who the candidates are. 

Officer positions open for election this year are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Healthy Living. The position descriptions can be found on the Officer Descriptions tab above. I encourage all members to run for an office! 

There are virtual events through both the County 4-H Office and the State 4-H Office. I encourage you to follow both on social media and to participate in these fun activities from home!

This 4-H year will require lots of patience as we embark on this new adventure! Your 2020-2021 4-H year will be what you make it!

Fun Things for 4-Hers to do at Home.

While this strange time is new for all of us, here are some fun things that we can do to occupy our time.

  • Get out for a walk around your neighborhood.
  • Have an indoor scavenger hunt.
  • Create a movie set and film a newscast about what’s happening in your home.
  • Make cookies.
  • Film a cooking show.
  • Make an obstacle course in your backyard.
  • Build a blanket fort in your bedroom (after you’ve picked up your room of course).
  • Have a family game night.
  • Camp in the Backyard.
  • Put on a family fashion show.
  • Do a blind taste test with different foods and drinks.
  • Learn how to read a map.
  • Learn sign language.
  • Build a building or bridge out of popsicle sticks or toothpicks.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and attempt a self portrait with pencil and paper.
  • Learn a new style of dance via YouTube.
  • Get out your coloring books and have a family coloring night.
  • Learn ten new big words, write them down and post them on the refrigerator.
  • Build three different styles of paper airplanes out of the same paper type and see which one flies the farthest.
  • Attend a webinar and virtually explore the California State Parks at the following Link: http://www.ports.parks.ca.gov

December General Meeting

I need to touch on something important and then the fun stuff.
If you haven’t signed your child up through California 4-H’s Online Enrollment System and paid the enrollment fee, please do so now, if you have not done so your child is ineligible to participate in 4-H activities going forward as they are not covered by the required 4-H insurance. The enrollment link can be found above under enrollment information. After completing enrollment at 4-H online there is a secondary link found above to pay the enrollment fee. If you are unsure if you have completed the online enrollment just shoot me an email. I can look it up and let you know. If you are a potential new member attending for the first time just to see if you’d like to join, this doesn’t apply to you but will once you decide you’d like to join our club. 

Now, on to the fun stuff!
Our monthly general meeting will be at 2:00 pm at Freedom Park located at 77400 Country Club Drive in Palm Desert on Sunday, December 8th.
We will be having a potluck, check your email for the sign up sheet. If you will be attending the general meeting and haven’t done so please sign up to bring something.
We will be having a gift exchange during our potluck. Participation in the gift exchange is fully optional. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange bring a wrapped gift, no more than $10.00 in value. 
Lastly, we will have a craft which should be fun!
We look forward to seeing all of you at our December meeting, until then have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Upcoming Events

Come visit with us at the Fall Family Festival held by All About Families. The event is from 10 am to 4:00 pm at 77865 Avenida Montezuma in the City of La Quinta on Sunday, November 17th. Be on the lookout for an email with the schedule if you signed up to help.

Our next General Meeting is on Sunday, December 8th at 2:00 pm. There will be a holiday party directly following the general meeting. This event will be a potluck, and a gift exchange (optional- no more than 10.00 in value). We will also be having a craft. More details to follow.

Reminder that the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival will be coming up in February and entries must be completed by the beginning of January depending on the category. Check the Competition Handbook at the Riv. Co. Fair Website for details.

Enrollment Flyer

Our First Club Meeting of the Year is tomorrow, September 8th at 2:00 pm. At the Palm Desert Library, Please stop by and visit with us!

General Meeting and Enrollment Information

We hope you enjoyed your summer! Please join us for our first meeting of the year at the Palm Desert Library on Sunday, September 8th at 2:00 pm.

If you are new please come to the first meeting and discover that 4-H is about more than just raising an animal for the fair.

If you are a returning member please come by and learn about what we have planned for the upcoming year!

Summer Update

We hope you are having an awesome summer! While you are enjoying a much needed break we are busy planning the upcoming 4-H year. The Leaders met this week to determine what projects will be offered, judged record books and created a tentative calendar of activities for the year. The Officers will be meeting in August to work on parliamentary procedure, finalizing the plans and learning how to be the best leadership team they can be.

Below are some county and statewide dates we wanted you to be aware of:

July 30 Nixon Library Field Trip
August 17 Riverside Record Book Judging
September 14 Leadership Day
October 5-13 Southern California Fair
October 9-20 Tractor Supply Fall Clover Days
October 26 STEM Day
November 8-10 The Volunteer Retreat